Sunday, September 28, 2008
Fun times with the Browns
Posted by Davis Brown at Sunday, September 28, 2008 0 comments
Da da
I finally got him saying dada. Still no luck on the mama! He's only said it 3 times to like 20 Dadas, but he'll come around, haha!
Posted by Davis Brown at Sunday, September 28, 2008 0 comments
Mamma, Dadda and Old Wives Tales
For some reason I have heard several old wives tales over the past few weeks. I have always heard that if your baby starts crawling and/or walking early then they are making room for number 2. My brother proved this one true when my sister arrived 14 months later. So since Davis has been crawling all over the place I always think of that tale. But wait... it gets better! I also heard that if your baby says mamma first your next child will be a girl, dadda=boy. Now I don't take much stock in that one mainly because I know that it is easier to say d's than m's and also have several friends where the opposite occurred. Here is my concern though... He said dadda and momma on the same day for the first time! Does that mean we may have twins next??? Of course twins would be a blessing, but remember- JD was 8 pounds 15 oz when he was born. Plus one???? OUCH!!! I will have to give my MeeMaw some credit here though for those of you who don't already know. My dad and aunt are twins and weighed 9 pounds and 8 pounds respectively. What a woman!!!!
Okay so back to my precious angel. We have been working with him for awhile to try and get him to talk a little. He started 2 days ago by saying bye-bye. Davis was talking to his grandmommy and repeated bye-bye before we hung up. But then today, out of nowhere he said Da-da-da-da. Then about 30 minutes later he said Momma! It was so incredible and so sweet. Throughout the day today he has said dada more often, but I thought it was really cool that we both got to hear him say our names for the first time and it was on the same day! I will try to capture it on video, but for some reason he is camera shy today :-)
Davis has perfected crawling now. He is pretty darn fast too, so we really have to watch him. He is also pulling himself up! He started by pulling up to a stand position on the laundry basket and has now moved to the couch. He is so much fun to watch and John and I just stare at him with amazement everyday. Seriously, could life get any better???? :-)
Posted by Davis Brown at Sunday, September 28, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Davis is REALLY Crawling!!!!
Davis has been scooting and trying to crawl for about 2 months now. I have shot a few videos of him trying, but most of the time end up with a dog blocking the view. As I was updating his blog this morning... I looked down to see him really moving! He has been able to scoot around 3 or 4 feet, but this is the real thing! It makes me sad that he is growing so fast, but also makes me very proud of my little man!!!
Posted by Davis Brown at Saturday, September 20, 2008 2 comments
My Sweet Happy Baby
Davis is so much fun in the mornings! He wakes up and babbles to himself and plays with his toys in his crib for about 30 minutes. This gives me an opportunity to wake up, let the dogs out and make my coffee (most importantly :-) There is a fine line that goes from Happy Boy to Hungry Boy though and you have to be on your toes so you don't cross that line unprepared. As long as I have the bottle ready, he is easy to console. But....if mommy is not prepared with bottle in hand, you better get out the ear plugs!
Posted by Davis Brown at Saturday, September 20, 2008 0 comments
Trip to Knoxville

Posted by Davis Brown at Saturday, September 20, 2008 0 comments
Sad News
Last week, John's sweet Grandpa passed away. He had been sick for a long time and he just grew tired of fighting. He was an incredible man and a hero to not only John but to our country. He led an amazing life and had a major impact on John and his family. JD is actually named in honor of him as Grandpa's name is John Dewitt. John was very excited at the opportunity for our son to carry on his grandfathers initials. We are very fortunate that we actually got to visit with Grandpa 3 weeks ago in Knoxville while he was in the hospital. John, Davis and I drove up over the weekend and spent the afternoon with him. It was very cool to introduce JD to his namesake. While Grandpa may not have realized who JD actually was... he knew there were 3 people in the room who cared very, very much for him. It was a great experience and I feel blessed we had the opportunity to spend some time with him before he passed away. Grandpa Brown will be terribly missed. Please continue to pray for the family. Thank you!
Posted by Davis Brown at Saturday, September 20, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Maybe I should say, AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! For the last few weeks, Davis has picked up a habit of growling. I'm not sure if he does it because of Fletch and Eddie growling at the UPS man or if he just likes the way it sounds. Either way, it is precious!
Posted by Davis Brown at Tuesday, September 09, 2008 0 comments
Weekend of Surprises
Posted by Davis Brown at Tuesday, September 09, 2008 1 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Visit with Dawson and Marsha
The Taylors came in town this week for vacation and we got to go play with them for a little bit this weekend. Dawson is almost 3 now and is so much fun! He was in Sunday School a few weeks back and the kids were learning about baby Moses. They cut out pictures of baby Moses in the basket and glued them on sponges so the pictures would float. When Marsha picked him up she asked "What did ya'll learn about today Dawson?" Dawson said, "God." Marsha asked who the baby in the basket was and Dawson said "Baby Davis!!!" How cute is that!!! All of my friends babies refer to Davis as "Baby Davis" I wonder if he'll ever outgrow that title? I sure hope not!
Posted by Davis Brown at Saturday, September 06, 2008 0 comments
YEAH!!! We're Back!!
I gave up on John bringing the connector cords home, so I just bought another camera. Nipped that in the bud, haha! I still have some pictures on "his" camera so if and when he brings it home, I promise I will download them. The pictures below are all from this Friday. I wanted to reassure mom that Davis is still the same fun loving, happy baby that he was Monday before he started school. Nobody really explains to you just how hard the first week of daycare is for the mom. I cried so much this week, my eyes are still burning but it is getting better everyday. Davis is in a really good school and his teachers are wonderful! The hardest part is just knowing he does not have the one on one attention that he is used to. He seems to really enjoy school and it is fun watching him stare in awe at the other babies.

Davis still loves his exersaucer. He finds a new toy on it everyday and it is like a totally new thing to him!
Posted by Davis Brown at Saturday, September 06, 2008 1 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
6 Month Check Up and School
Posted by Davis Brown at Wednesday, September 03, 2008 1 comments