Thursday, March 12, 2009

12 Month Checkup

My goodness it seems like only yesterday we were going to Dr. FitzHarris for Davis's 1 Week checkup. This year has absolutely flown by! Davis is always such a good boy at the doctor's office. Nurse Charlene and Nurse Karen love him and are so good with him. Dr. Suzie is amazing. She has such a great touch with him and he never seems the least bit scared when he is there. We experienced a couple of milestones at the visit today: we weighed on the big kid scale (standing instead of sitting), we got his height on the wall ruler as opposed to laying down and we almost got a successful temperature reading with the Oral thermometer! Poor thing had to get 4 shots and at least 2 of them were the bad, stingy ones. He cried for a little bit and then pouted on the way back to school. It broke my heart but he has already forgotten about it and is back to my sweet little man. He did spike a fever this afternoon so I had to pick him up from school a little early, but it is normal again thanks to tylenol.
Dr. Suzie always asks me what my favorite thing about Davis. I think they ask this to make sure you don't have any postpartum issues because she asks it so routinely and always makes notes. But I remember on our very first well check, all I could say is "Everything!" I felt so cliche' but I truly did love everything about him! I couldn't pick one quality. (Plus I didn't sleep much so I couldn't think too methodically). The subsequent well visits I always had something new that would come to mind like his first laugh, his "gummy" smile, his hugs. But today after all the changes that have happened since our last well check, I get back to "Everything!" I could have said how he runs across the room for me with his arms spread for a hug, how he dances at the first sound of a good beat, how he lays in my lap and will go limp while I rub his back, how he comes towards me for an open mouth forehead kiss, how he claps his hands when I say his name, but truly... it is just every single thing that he does and is that makes me so unbelievably happy! We love Davis so much and cannot imagine life before him! We are so blessed and thank God every day for him!!!
Oh yeah, one last thing.... measurements
Height- 29 3/4 inches (but they said since he was a little bowlegged we should probably add an inch, hehe). He was in the 50th percentile
Weight- a whopping 26.6 pounds which puts him in the 90th percentile
Head circumference- I forget the exact measurement, but was in the 90th percentile


Lauren J. said...

you are so's "everything" about them that makes them perfect and wonderful!

The Florida Parker Family said...

So Wyatt will be 22 months in a few days and is still only 25 lbs. Makes me sad-he is growing so fast too. I love the blog-more pics please

Unknown said...

What a precious boy. Thanks so much for the updates. I always enjoy hearing the adventures of the Brown Family!! I noticed Fletch and Eddie were not at the beach....did they not make the cut???? Love you, Suzanne