Tuesday, March 3, 2009

1 Year, 1 week and 1 day ago today

So I wanted to do this on JD's birthday but as always I'm a few days late and a couple dollars short. But better late than never! This time last year (well like I said, 1 year, 1 week and 1 day ago).... sweet baby Davis was brought into this world by Dr. Petrac in Destin, FL at 7:09 pm on Saturday February 23, 2008. He weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces and was 21 3/4 inches long. My labor was fast and furious, but we were so thankful to have a healthy, happy, beautiful baby boy and never knew just how wonderful life would be from that day on. John and I never knew the joy that a baby would truly bring into our lives until we look at our precious angel. JD amazes us daily and we have enjoyed every single minute that he has been a part of our lives. The amount of love that you feel for your child is truly unimaginable. People told us time and time again, you will never understand how much you can love until you have a child. They were all right! They were also right when they say that every stage gets better and better. Even though I wish I could freeze each stage of his life, I find myself loving each milestone that he reaches and get excited about the next stage to come. Tonight he started trying to crawl up on the couch with daddy and I... you would have thought it was a pep rally with us cheering him up to join us. Davis is such a blessing! He has taught us so much about ourselves, about life and about the devout love that truly exists between a son and his parents. He makes us laugh daily and stop to appreciate the small things in life. We love him more than anything in this world and thank God that he has given us the opportunity to raise this precious boy!

Now that Davis is really starting to show his personality, I find it a good time to "introduce" him to everyone. Davis is part Labrador retriever.... he could eat anything and everything put in front of him and he absolutely loves the water! He will literally put his entire head under the faucet during bath time just to get the optimum H2O exposure. He loves to dance! His favorite artists are Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, and Bob Marley... the kid's got rhythm. John and I will come home from work and crank up the IPod (forget Barney and the Wiggles) and he will dance till its time to go night night. Davis loves to sleep! I swear, he is the easiest child when it comes to bedtime or nighttime.... all it takes is a few cues of rubbing his eyes and yawning and he will go right down. Bedtime prayers + paci and he is golden. He gets that from his daddy. And he loves to make everyone laugh! (he gets that from his mommy) Whether he is trying to talk to us, dance with us or just his stinking cute waddle, JD makes us belly laugh every single day which further makes us realize what a blessing we have in front of us when all can seem so gloomy at times. I hope we can slow down this next year of his life and it will not go by so fast. Happy Birthday (late Birthday) Davis! We love you sooooooooo very much!