We had our 9 month checkup a couple of weeks ago and he is 29 inches and 23 pounds which puts him in the 75 and 95 percentiles respectively. He is absolutely perfect! He has been sick a good bit lately, but hasn't everyone??? It is really hard on us when he is sick because he is still such a happy baby, I honestly can't always tell if something is wrong. My perfect little angel!!!!
Thanksgiving was wonderful. John, Davis and I stayed here and I cooked homemade mac and cheese, homemade mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing and rolls. Our trusty Honey Baked Ham provided the ham and turkey! We had a blast, watched football and ate way too much! Davis especially liked the turkey and mac and cheese. Unfortunately, my camera was dead so I didn't get any pictures :-( I am very thankful for my amazing family!
Here are some pictures and videos I have taken over the last few days. You'll have to wait for the good Christmas poses until our cards go out... which by the way, my computer crashed which had my Christmas list on it. Fingers crossed it is still on there when they rebuild the computer!

Yes I realize Davis just has on a diaper, but he was in full effect and wanted to catch him in action. Notice the "mama" at the end! He is also saying bah, bah, nah, nah, wah, wah and of course he says da, da all the time still. He will actually sit around babbling like he is talking to himself. I'll try to get that on video soon.
Davis has started throwing back to us. Needless to say, daddy is loving this milestone. He may not know what he is doing, but it is a fun game. John makes me laugh because he gets really excited that JD is favoring his left arm for throwing. I seriously doubt you can tell at this age, but John has high hopes for a left handed pitcher. I would love that too, because then we could stay away from concussions and broken bones in football. But whatever our little man wants to play when he is old enough, I will be willing to try. I just will need a lot of moral support to watch him play anything physical.
Last video for tonight. Mom sent Davis a turkey that sings and dances for Thanksgiving. Davis is terrified of Gooble Gooble (Beth's nickname for the toy). He litterally threw it across the room today when he saw it on "his" bed in the nursery. Yet again, a Kodak moment captured in his diaper. I swear I dress him, but he is always so happy and active right after he eats, which is also when he is the most dirty... therefore the stripped clothes. He is ALLLLLL BOY!!!!!
OK, my favorite is definitely "gobble, gobble". Poor child is going to be traumatized! He's probably having bad dreams about the dancing turkey right now! The things we do for a laugh! Love all the updated pictures. I absolutely CAN NOT WAIT to see y'all in less than 2 weeks!!! Love you!
Dawson got the "gobble gobble turkey" also from his Gigi! I have a feeling our moms didn't have to wait outside overnight at Cracker Barrel to buy these crazy turkeys. It's funny what has taken the place of Madame Alexander dolls. :)
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