Brooke and Landon came in town with their family for vacation this week. They have a 2 1/2 year old beautiful daughter, Stella. Brooke and I have been friends since we were 3.... wow, we are getting old! I took Davis to the pool to play during the day and then they came to our house to grill out that night. We had so much fun, but the best was watching Stella interact with Davis. She was so sweet and gentile and wanted to help with everything. She is going to have a new little brother very soon and will be such a great big sis!!!

She kept saying "Sweet Davis" and then would lean over and pat his head and give him a smooch. Too Cute!!!

Stella helping. Anytime Davis'
paci fell out, she jumped right up and put it back in his mouth.

Again, Stella helping. She pushed him in his jumper.

And yet again, Stella helping! I started feeding Davis and she came up and said "I want to help" so after I gave him his cereal I let her take the bottle to top him off. She was so cute, she loved it. Halfway through the bottle she said "He burp" and sure enough it was about the time that I would have picked him up to burp him. Brooke, you are going to have such an easy transition when Sam comes because she is going to be awesome! Now, we just need to teach her how to change diapers,
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