I absolutely love Fridays right now. I am blessed to be working a partial schedule until the actual Maternity time period ends, so I am off Mondays and Fridays until the beginning of August. Mondays are always hectic just to pick up from the weekends and prepare for the work week, but Fridays are "Our Days". Davis and I hang out all day long and even though a lot of time is spent on conference calls, I still get to snuggle with him and play with him :-) Today I think we are going to go swim in the big pool and get some sun, but first I wanted to post some new pictures and give some updates.
Davis had his 4 month check up 2 weeks ago and I keep forgetting to post his "weigh in". JD weighed in an impressive
18 lbs
26 1/2 inches long.
Both 90% for height and weight,
He is continuing to grow and develop at a pace that is making me sick. I swear when I drop him off with Beth in the morning he has grown by the end of the day. Yesterday John said that he looked like a 30 year old man already. JD PLEASE SLOW DOWN!!! I want you to be a baby for a little longer, :-) He is scooting along and trying to crawl. We got some forward motion last night with a little help from pushing off my hands, but once he figures out how to pick up his little bottom, he is off. He talks......... constantly. He will just sit there and babble, followed by a frequent squeal that is absolutely hysterical. He will work himself up and clasp his hands, smile and squeal to the top of his lungs and then belly laugh right after. A lot of times we'll scare him because we laugh so hard at him. He found his feet awhile back but about 2 weeks ago, his feet found his mouth. Thank goodness he is not walking because they stay in his mouth... when he is not talking. I'll try to get some videos of this sometime today but for now here are a few pics from the past couple of weeks.

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