This video is a little boring, but for moms and moms-in-law that aren't able to download, I wanted them to hear their grandbaby squeal. He will hang out in his crib for an hour and just squeal, laugh and fake cough. He is a hoot!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
New video of Davis
Posted by Davis Brown at Tuesday, July 29, 2008 1 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Grilling out with the Gillettes
Brooke and Landon came in town with their family for vacation this week. They have a 2 1/2 year old beautiful daughter, Stella. Brooke and I have been friends since we were 3.... wow, we are getting old! I took Davis to the pool to play during the day and then they came to our house to grill out that night. We had so much fun, but the best was watching Stella interact with Davis. She was so sweet and gentile and wanted to help with everything. She is going to have a new little brother very soon and will be such a great big sis!!!

Posted by Davis Brown at Saturday, July 26, 2008 0 comments
I'm Big Boy!!!
From the day that Davis came into this world, he has been Mr. Muscle. We joke all the time that he already has biceps (it was all that moving he did in vitro). But seriously, he lifted his head the first day, by day 4 he could lift and turn from side to side. I can't remember for sure, but within the first 3 weeks he would push off of my legs to try and stand. It made it impossible to burp him. This little man is ready to be independent. He wants to crawl and run and play...... NOW! So I stood him up in his crib and he actually "held the pose" for awhile. He looks like an 18 month old!" I am already sitting up..... I fall over after a minute or so, but it's fun while it lasts!!!"
Posted by Davis Brown at Saturday, July 26, 2008 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Fridays equals "Our Days"
I absolutely love Fridays right now. I am blessed to be working a partial schedule until the actual Maternity time period ends, so I am off Mondays and Fridays until the beginning of August. Mondays are always hectic just to pick up from the weekends and prepare for the work week, but Fridays are "Our Days". Davis and I hang out all day long and even though a lot of time is spent on conference calls, I still get to snuggle with him and play with him :-) Today I think we are going to go swim in the big pool and get some sun, but first I wanted to post some new pictures and give some updates.
Davis had his 4 month check up 2 weeks ago and I keep forgetting to post his "weigh in". JD weighed in an impressive
18 lbs
26 1/2 inches long.
Both 90% for height and weight,
He is continuing to grow and develop at a pace that is making me sick. I swear when I drop him off with Beth in the morning he has grown by the end of the day. Yesterday John said that he looked like a 30 year old man already. JD PLEASE SLOW DOWN!!! I want you to be a baby for a little longer, :-) He is scooting along and trying to crawl. We got some forward motion last night with a little help from pushing off my hands, but once he figures out how to pick up his little bottom, he is off. He talks......... constantly. He will just sit there and babble, followed by a frequent squeal that is absolutely hysterical. He will work himself up and clasp his hands, smile and squeal to the top of his lungs and then belly laugh right after. A lot of times we'll scare him because we laugh so hard at him. He found his feet awhile back but about 2 weeks ago, his feet found his mouth. Thank goodness he is not walking because they stay in his mouth... when he is not talking. I'll try to get some videos of this sometime today but for now here are a few pics from the past couple of weeks.

Posted by Davis Brown at Friday, July 18, 2008 0 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
Little River Rat!
After Claire, Barkley and Buzz went home, we loaded up and went to see the grandparents in Decatur again. Aunt Sissy bought a new car from Decatur so we had to pick it up and Uncle Brit was passing through town on his way to Guntersville. So we were all home, except for daddy. Of course he had to work. He needs a vacation, haha.
Papaw bought a pontoon boat about a month ago and was itching to get everyone out on the river. We got up early Sunday morning and drove straight through. As soon as we walked in the door we changed into our swimsuits and helped grandmommy pack the food. It took us nearly 2 hours, but we were ready to go! We had to wait on a storm to pass before we put the boat in but when it did, we had such a blast! Riding up and down the Tennessee River brought back so many memories from high school and summers in college. How in the world was I able to ski in that water so many times??? I was scared to death of it! Must be the mommy thing :-) The current was really bad and I couldn't help but think there were snakes waiting to bite my toes... thanks mom for that fear :-) Needless to say, I only let Davis in to feel the water... nothing more!
We went to Rosies for dinner one night... I think actually this was Davis' 3rd trip there in his life, but this was the first trip that he was really awake for the whole time. He did great! He ate cereal while we ate our chips and salsa. We all had a really good time. Then before we left we all had lunch at the Brick... another Decatur staple. Again, I think this was Davis' 3rd trip to the Brick but the first time he didn't sleep through lunch. It is so much fun taking him to all these places and watching him look around and interact with everyone. I guess it will only be a matter of time before he is up and really running around. We may have to second guess all these family outings when he is mobile, just kidding! "I don't know about this life jacket thing. Of course, the "oh no" handle on top does make for a very nice pillow when I want to take a nap."
Posted by Davis Brown at Monday, July 07, 2008 1 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Visit with Claire Busby
Barkley and Buzz came to Navarre Beach last week to visit Buzz's mom. Claire, their daughter, is 3 weeks older than Davis and we let them play for the first time! Barkley and I actually met at a gas station right off the interstate on one of our trips to North Alabama so the babies could meet, but they really had some good quality time on this trip. Claire laughed at Davis and just thought he was the funniest thing in the world. Davis just kind of chilled, but he had his 4 month shots just before we went to Navarre so he was a little groggy. It was so much fun seeing them together! I can't wait for the next time we can get them together. The next day, Buzz, Barkley and I rented a pontoon boat and went to crab island. John had to work and Davis stayed with a babysitter. We had a great day! Good adult conversation is hard to come by these days, haha!
Posted by Davis Brown at Saturday, July 05, 2008 0 comments