Sunday, June 22, 2008

Mommy Back to Work = No Time to Blog :-(

Well, I am officially back at work.... well, kind of. I am working a partial schedule until my maternity period is up so right now I am just working Tuesdays through Thursdays. I will continue this schedule for the next couple of months. Beth is keeping Davis which is such a blessing because I have absolutely no worries when I leave him. The hardest part has just been prioritizing chores and time management. Now I completely understand what people mean when they say not to worry about the little things. So, for the last 2 weeks I have done laundry, but not actually put it up and John and I just kick the dog hair to the corners... jk. Seriously though, when I get home from work, all I want to do is snuggle with my little man.

Davis is growing so fast! We have our 4 month check up this coming Friday so I will update everyone on how much he weighs and how tall he is. I am betting he is at least 19 pounds and judging from how his body is hanging off the swing right now, he is off the charts on height. He is in no way fat, he is just long and has little chubby thighs. I could eat them up :-) He is consistently rolling over from tummy to back and is getting more consistent with rolling from back to tummy. He is still trying to crawl, he just looks like a little inch worm right now. It is hysterical! He absolutely loves to stand and when I hold him on my lap, I almost have to "warm up" because my arms get so tired from steadying him upright :-) He is also getting stronger with sitting up on his own. His little ab muscles are so strong it absolutely amazes me! And lastly, Davis is truly his mother's son! Talk about a blabber mouth! He talks all the time.... of course he has no idea what he is saying, but it is neat to watch him try to form new sounds. He really acts as if he has something so important to say. When he is not talking he is giggling

I guess that is really all. I am charging my camera right now so I can download some pictures and will try to get them posted tonight. Take care!