Tuesday, March 11, 2008

We are finally home!

Today is February 25th and we are finally home! I am trying to get my parents used to this new sleeping schedule. Sometimes mommy is crabby but overall they are adjusting just fine! I love the doggies too! They are going to be so much fun to play with later (when I am not so little). Okay, enough talking, mommy wants to share some more pictures. I won't bore you with the details but you can see my first bath and lots of other cool things my parents have gotten for me. Have fun and we'll be back shortly with new posts! As far as developmental milestones, I have been raising my head since day 1 and I continue to get stronger and stronger everyday! I have had some "gassy" smiles, but I really smiled at daddy the other day and may have even laughed a little at mommy yesterday. I coo a little but mainly still sleeping a ton, eating even more and have a few periods throughout the day where I am a little fussy. But overall I am a wonderful baby!