Am I not the cutest thing ever! They had to help get me out with a suction because I was so big, so I have a little cone head.. but that will get back to normal real soon!
We had to stay in that silly hospital for 48 hours, but it was pretty cool because lots of friends and family stopped in to see h
ow cute I am! Plus they really helped my mommy and daddy figure out what they were supposed to do with me. Here are some pictures of my new family!

Here are my grandparents from mommy's side. We think her dad is going to be poppa and "Grandmother" will not decide what she wants me to call her. She wants me to decide what I want to call her, but in the meantime we are calling her lots of things to see what will stick! They live 6 hours away in Alabama and I miss them soooo much! I wish they could see me everyday! Sometimes mommy puts me on the computer camera and we talk to Momma Lynn just so she can see my sweet face!
These are my daddy's parents, we are going to call them Grandma and Grandpa Brown. They live 8 hours away in Tennessee. Gosh, I wish we were closer to everyone. These people they call grandparents love me so much and I've heard they are all really going to spoil me, whatever that means! Mommy needs to get some clearer pictures with me and grandma and grandpa. As soon as she does I'm sure she'll put them on here too.
Here are my mommy's brother and sister, Uncle Brit and Aunt Beth (we call her Aunt Sissy). They were with my mommy when all the craziness of my birthday started. It was really a funny story, I'm sure mom will tell you about it someday. Uncle Brit lives in Auburn. That is where my mommy and my Aunt Sissy went to school too and I am supposed to cheer for that football team. My daddy told me I can only say War Eagle or Go Vols! I am forbidden to cheer for anyone else, :-) I hope I can go there one day soon! Aunt Sissy lives in the same place we live, so it is really cool that I get to see her a lot. Mommy likes to leave me with Aunt Sissy when she and daddy need to go on a date.
These guys rock! They will be so much fun to play with and they love me so much!
I still haven't met everyone but I will real soon. I have another Aunt Vicki and Uncle Ronnie and they have to kids for me to play with. I think they are called cousins. Joshua and Hannah Kate are their names and they will be here to play really soon. I also have some great grandparents that I hope to meet really soon too, plus lots of great aunts and uncles. This one is my Great Uncle Steve, Momma Lynn's brother. He lives in Montgomery and came to see me in the hospital.

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