John's parents came in town week before last and we got to play with them some. Of course we wish we could have spent more time, but unfortunately time is so limited for anything but work these days. All work and no play, makes for a very cranky Jen..... but, Grandma and Grandpa Brown came to the rescue and watched JD for a night so John and I could escape to Rosemary Beach. We had a really nice time and really enjoyed the time together. Thank you Momma and Daddy B for watching him. I know y'all enjoyed it as much as Davis did, but I know he is definitely a handful!

JD eating spaghetti with Grandma and Grandpa Brown at the condo. Notice how well he did in the big people chair... well with the exception of the mess, lol!

Davis got to swim a bunch with the Browns. He loves the water so much!

Davis waving on the boat! He has such friendly boat etiquette. Even the buoys were greeted by this little sweety sailor!

Helping dad pull in the anchor.

Playing with Elana Martin on their boat.

Sorry, couldn't resist posting these chubby cheeks!

Playing with Campbell Martin in the pool on the boat.

Aunt Beth seems so much more happy than Davis here... he must have spotted his sippy cup.

Helping Daddy drive the boat.

Nothing like a good cookie in the sun.

Just enjoying the breeze!
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