Posted by Davis Brown at Sunday, June 28, 2009 0 comments
John's parents came in town week before last and we got to play with them some. Of course we wish we could have spent more time, but unfortunately time is so limited for anything but work these days. All work and no play, makes for a very cranky Jen..... but, Grandma and Grandpa Brown came to the rescue and watched JD for a night so John and I could escape to Rosemary Beach. We had a really nice time and really enjoyed the time together. Thank you Momma and Daddy B for watching him. I know y'all enjoyed it as much as Davis did, but I know he is definitely a handful!
Posted by Davis Brown at Thursday, May 28, 2009 0 comments
John's computer has had a virus so I have been out of the loop for awhile, so I am just going to post a bunch of pictures with a few captions and not waste a lot of time on "blogging". Also, posting videos can take awhile so there will be no rhyme or reason to how they are posted. Enjoy!
This was on the way home from church. Davis kept falling asleep and I was trying to keep him awake so he would nap when we got home. I would tickle him and he just kept laughing and falling back asleep. It was precious!
We watched Slumdog Millionaire and the music on the credits is pretty catchy. He automatically started dancing. Still got the beat! By the way, great movie if you haven't seen it!!!
Davis has tried many drinks in the last few months. He loves all juices, milk, water and tea. I let him try Sprite for the first time today and well, you be the judge.....
This was at the fountains at the Commons. He is not too sure of them right now, but still had a great time!
Posted by Davis Brown at Sunday, May 03, 2009 3 comments
Here are just a few pictures from Easter Sunday this year. I am posting this from a doctor's office right now and don't have all of them on my work computer, but nevertheless wanted to get started on the post. The Easter Bunny brought Davis his very own Easter basket with some eggs, a little candy, a swimsuit and a toy cell phone that seems really real. He had fun digging through the basket and throwing stuff on the floor. Once he found the buttons on the cell phone, he was hooked on it for the rest of the day. After he found his Easter basket, we put on our Sunday best and headed off to the 9:30 service. Aunt Beth joined Davis, John and I. The service was great and the choir sang some beautiful songs. They did kind of a cantata with sermon points about Jesus' life throughout the service. It was really nice. Davis stayed in the sanctuary for about 15 minutes and then Aunt Beth took him to the nursery. After church and lunch, we had our first official "Easter Egg Drop". I call it a drop instead of hunt because the Easter Bunny literally dropped the eggs in the front yard and didn't take much time to hide them. Not to mention, John saw a snake in the backyard last week so I asked the Easter Bunny not to hide the eggs until we knew we were snake free. Ewwwwww!!!! Davis was just fine with this concept. He would pick up an egg and walk it over to the basket. He never really carried the basket, but he seemed to enjoy himself. The rest of the day was spent relaxing, playing and watching the Masters. It was a wonderful Easter! We missed all of the family but maybe next year John won't be so busy with work (wait, I really don't mean that! I thank God he is busy right now, but just maybe not this busy the week of Easter :-)
Posted by Davis Brown at Monday, April 13, 2009 0 comments
Posted by Davis Brown at Saturday, April 11, 2009 2 comments