First of all, LOOK at little man's rolls! He is a very healthy eater to say the least. Grandma and Grandpa Brown are here for vacation and invited us over to swim and eat dinner. Davis is a FISH!!! He loves the water and doesn't mind one second if it gets in his face. I guess it is a good thing but on the flip side, I don't want him to get too comfy with the water. I think we are going to start swimming lessons in the next month or so. Anyway, we had such a good time with Mack and Debby! We swam and then ate a great dinner. Davis passed out on the pallet on the floor and then fell right back asleep once we got home. He is spending all day with the grandparents tomorrow! He is so excited. I hope he doesn't wear them out. He is quite the handful these days, but it is so much FUN!
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